Close more deals by becoming your community's  Trusted Advisor
Go-To Expert

Show your appreciation while helping their business using our proprietary process. This creates strong relationships, and an owner yearning to return the favor.

Every local business owner has a great, yet untold, story, and you can tell those stories to your community.

Easy and Turnkey

Stories Written

HamletStudio team makes it easy.

  • Vet and contact hundreds of business owners
  • Interview owner and write story
  • Publish on web
Naturally Viral Content

Stories Promoted

HamletStudio executes social campaign on your behalf.

  • Stories shared on social networks, including yours
  • Stories sent out via email newsletter
  • Stories shared by business owners, community, and you
They will love you for it

Gratitude Received

You become a hero to small businesses and your community.

  • You foster a network of reciprocal relationships
  • Stories remind community of your value
  • Initiated relationship with prospect

Small business owners will deem you their local champion!

With our turnkey system, 100's of stories will be published in each community, all made possible by your company.

The stories are read, enjoyed, and shared because they are authentic.

We have hundreds of testimonials to show you!

  • Business Owners appreciate it – "No one has ever asked me why I started my company..."
  • Readers love it - "So interesting, and happy to learn about these valuable gems..."
  • Results - "The WSBM program deepens relationships with our customers and builds connections with new ones."

As reported in The Financial Brand

Stacey's Totally Baked
The Financial Brand
"The next logical step, once I needed financing and needed insurance, was to reach back out to them because of what they do and how they help local businesses. "
The Financial Brand
"According to Meltwater, the additional exposure is worth an estimated $235,000 in advertising... "
Laura Silver


Social Shares


Stories Created


More Engagement

Let us explain how we can deliver 20 new relationships with business owners in each community you serve within 30 days of the start of this program